Vee tank is 22 litres... not sure what the Wee tank is...
Filled, sitting upright, to the interior "flangey" thing of the tank... refilled when the laast bar is flashing merrily to itself, normally... and normally filled with high-grade petrol... (definately NOT Tescos, after all of the crap that came out of my tank, and out of my in-line filter...) and occasionally dosed with engine & Injector cleaner, every few tanks... ( I like to take care of the Black Beast... that way, it takes care of me...)
Winding the Idle down, makes the engine run slower, and also it doesn't drink so much fuel, somehow...
My Bike has been re-mapped, about 2 years ago, and Scorpions and K&N may make a difference....
Maybe my bike is an exception to the rule.... plus, I drive Big-Rigs, so I know how to use the gas effectivly... that might also have something to do with it...