I’m partially in agreement with mr diver above.
I, too, worked in a Suzuki dealership for about 14 years, as a technician, although on cars. I’m pretty sure the processes would be similar, photos for warranties, keeping displaced parts etc, etc. My thoughts are, has anyone suggested it may be the dealer himself who is talking bollocks??? The reason I ask this is that, in my time, I got to know a lot of people at SGB really well, people in key areas. As a brand, they always wanted to grow and keep customers happy. It was a great brand to work for and they were always customer focussed. I was, on a few occasions, the top Auto technician, so bloody good at my job. I know, for a fact, after many conversations that there were dealers / technicians up and down the land who did not do diagnostics thoroughly enough, either because they can’t be bothered or because they are driven by the dealer (who is effectively a stand alone garage with a Suzuki sign over the door) to produce more hours (=£). Warranty stuff, for some technicians, can be difficult so it’s easy for the dealer to pass the buck. I’ve seen it happen, I have been handed jobs from other dealers because no-one there could, or would, be bothered to get to the bottom of a complicated fix, and believe me, that is something that really pissed me off.....if I can be bothered, why can’t they? I have mixed with Suzuki technicians from all disciplines, and I know for a fact there are some great Suzuki bike technicians out there..... not every dealership out there works the same way in practice. In my time, I know Suzuki, as a brand, wanted happy customers, but not all dealers are the same. I will end by saying this. I could tell you, with cars, a few dealers who I would recommend to get to the bottom of a complicated warranty job fairly well. I would suspect, to those in the know, it would be the same for Two wheel and ATV / Marine.
Regards Martyn