I have just done my magnets on my rotor, (DL1000 k5) four of the magnets had slipped, I didn't have any noises just low chargw rate of about 12.5 volts.
I cleaned all remnants of original glue from the 4 loose magnets, I measured the 2 remaining magnets which were bonded OK and calculated the glue thickness was 0.1mm, Don't forget to rough up the inside of rotor with some rough wet/dry so JB keys to it!! so using the JB weld smeared thinly onto magnetsnand placed into rotor and then used M5 countersink machine screws to space/clamp magnets into place, although did not tighten them very much as didn't want to break the brittle magnets.
Left to cure for 24 hrs and refitted stator and started up and now have 13.7 volts, Ideal!
cheers colin