So far......swapped fuses, dipped still not working (main beam is) fuses OK!
Took the "auxiliary" headlight relays out of the equation and connected the original connectors to the bulb (I only have one good bulb!! Some idiot forgot to check the spare he carries before the trip and it was faulty!)
Checked the connectors behind left hand fairing, all look clean and in good order, they have been filled with ACF50 anticorrosion grease from 12 months old!
Would like to try bigpies idea of swapping relays but where are they? Are they easily accessible and easy to swap connectors?
Can it be the switch? Does the dipped wiring go through the contacts in there as they are on permenently?
If so, is it safe to take it apart whilst I'm 900 miles from home??? What I mean is, yes I can take it apart, but will I get it back together?
I won't be riding in the dark and I have got small LED'S and a pair of spots for white light to the front, although I don't think it's compulsory to have your headlights on, so if it's going to be an awkward job I'd rather wait 'till I get back.
I'll try & find a spare bulb or two tomorrow as it is a requirement to carry a spare!