I have had a Wee and Vee and a Glee and I went to Suzuki HQ in Milton Keynes for a presentation of the, then, new DL1000. They said it had undergone many hours /Kilometres of testing. Apart from looking almost unlike a V Strom, with its single light and purposeless beak, I was prepared to test ride one with a view to a purchase. It was an OK ride, comfy and everything worked, but, as a solo rider, it didn't do anything the Glee didn't and it was priced to what the market would bear and that was, for me, little too high. It's not the money as I paid a lot more for Z1000 SX I finally bought. It was not long after the first few were sold that the ECU problem began to be reported. Slow speed stalls with bike a rider on the floor may not have been common but they were happening. Over the following months and years more and more reports of inadequate fuelling surfaced. Some bikes were worse than others and some were not affected at all. The bike is in it's fourth year and Suzuki are now getting to grips with the problem. Really! Shameful. That is why I am not sorry to have not bought one. Oh! yes another thing: is the clutch basket any less liable than the Vee to develop "chudder". Or was that just an ugly rumour.