If this was my ecu issue, I would report it to DVSA by letter quoting your vin and reg no and describe if stalling or erratic acceleration is present.
If they get enough fault issues with a vehicle- especially a part that is safety critical, they can force the maker to issue a recall. Failing that, look at 'honest john' website for vehicles under 7 years old. Basically, that is the life expectancy of a new vehicle warranty. Court cases have established that with normal use and servicing the major parts should last this long-as a minimum. Look how Vauxhall dragged its feet over Zafira fires-then it seemed to be forced into rectifying older cars that had been serviced (or not) outside the dealer network. Suzuki bikes have a Facebook page, write how you feel on there and Motorcycle Live Facebook (I can't attend this year as my bike is unrideable) etc.