Hi again, been a while due to my work commitments but here is an update on this issue regarding possible fuel pump and TPS issues. After the flow test results of 500ml I decided to buy an OEM high pressure sieve and upon advice a TPS because the issue (in my opinion) had pointed towards either however, I thought why not replace a 10 year old fuel pump while I’m in there. After waiting a while I finally received a complete kit that consists of everything you need for £20 from eBay.
So , time to remove the old pump and sieve to see what was up , this is what I’d found.

Although the sieve was clogged I didn’t think it was really as bad as others I’d seen but as said earlier it’s been in there 10 years along with maybe a tired pump . After dismantling the complete assembly I cleaned and reassembled with the new pump and an OEM sieve, I know the kit comes with a new sieve but I’d bought an OEM one(£36 !!) so decided to use that instead.
With all this done I repeated a flow test 3 times and the results were 1000ml per 30secs, this is still below Suzuki’s spec but it’s now double what it was so I’m happy with that for now and Once the tank was fitted I started my Vee up and all is well with what feels like a more responsive throttle so once I’m able a test drive is due.
Coming back to the TPS , I think I will fit it at a later date even if the issue is fixed because as greywolf said the symptoms I'd had points towards a TPS issue but as I’d found an issue with the pump it was easier to change it first . Fingers crossed .!!