The nice people at the Met Office said I had a 3hr window before the sleet/snow arrives....
Dryish salt free roads and a balmy 3c ( no heated kit on the RR ) and I head off to my 7th nearest Tesco in search of fresh basil..again. Nice to have a mission every now and then

The choice of Bridgestone T32s v anything sportier , proves their worth finding grip on a cold road and fun was had.
Coming out of Tesco an old girl in her 70s ? is loading her car next to my spot and says " ohh nice bike , I like a blue, my Bill had a blue Triumph "...
We chat as I load the rest of her shopping into her car and hop on the bike to scoot home.
I wail on the horn as a mid 20s idiot in a Seat Fr/Gti/ Twatmobile ( I know nothing about cars ) parked two cars up tries to reverse into my path.

I go round him after he has stopped half way out and put the bike on the sidestand and get off to explain to the man how vulnerable Bikers are in, shall we say ....strong terms.
Never seen someone wilt so far down in the seat.
Didn't get very far 'cos the old girl had already tapped on his window and was tearing him a new one...

She went back to her car with a cheery wave and I toodled off , pissing myself while glaring in my mirrors...
Met Office says 13c next week ????
I have been thinking spring was round the corner 'cos the male sparrows I feed at work have got all arsey with each other, chasing around making up to the lady sparrows..... hmmmm.....

Roll on Spring.
Ho Hum