Author Topic: Sherlock Holmes  (Read 1092 times)

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Sherlock Holmes
« on: December 07, 2015, 19:06:10 »
Sherlock and Dr Watson had gone out camping. They were lying there, side by side in their sleeping bags, when Sherlock said.....
" Look up Watson, and tell me what you see"      Watson replied
" I can see stars, and the moon, perhaps I just saw a bat, and a shooting star"
Sherlock then replied
" and what does that tell you Watson"    Watson thought about this, and decided that it was something to do with the stars and where they were, so said
 " It tells me that the sky is really nice at night, why do you ask Sherlock, what does it tell you "
   Sherlock replied.
" Elementary my dear Watson, it tells me some bugger has nicked our tent "