Here is (was!) mine, by Hilltop. First shows before and after, power and torque. Second one shows before, plus (freaking awful...) fuel/air . In fact it doesn't, because they were completely off the scale until about 4000 rpm. Geoff said the only bike he had seen so bad stock before, was the VStrom he did the weekend before!!! He actually jumped off the bike on the first run, because he thought the sensor had fallen out of the exhaust pipe!!


Sorry I haven't been on the forums lately. I gave up on the VStrom, chopped it in for a new Versys 1000, which has been absolutely brilliant.
I gather there might be a solution now for all you VStrommers, great news, because it is a great bike. If I hadn't had the nonsense I had with mine, I would still have it, but it was beyond a joke.
Suffice to say, I would be very unlikely to buy a new model Suzuki again. Not because it was a great bike flawed, but because it took so long for Suzuki to even begin to sort it out properly. Such a shame, because otherwise, I really loved it.