I used the Dr Bike ones with the rotary temperature control. The job itself was fairly straightforward. I threaded the cable between the bars and the fuse box under the tank while I had it lifted. I took the old grips off, cleaned the old adhesive off with some v.fine sandpaper. I had the take the outer flange off on the throttle grip as the new one wouldn't slide over it - I used a craft knife. When I put the grips on I spread the super glue around the bar / throttle slider, lined the grip up, and smacked it with a mallet. While the glue's wet its like a lubricant, for a few seconds anyway, until it sets solid. Be quick...
I've got the plugs for the grips and controller under the tank.
I've got my cables coming up on top of the levers, seems to work well.
I had more hassle with the lights, though this was due to my lack of electrical knowledge!! However I got there in the end. I've got my lights mounted on the crash bars, though I might see if I can lift them up a bit (perhaps hang them from the indicator stalks) - I think this might give a better beam...