C,mon gents let's bring some realism into this. The majority of Veek owners are more than happy with their bikes. The problem is the manufacturers having to run the bikes with a ridiculously lean set up to pass the draconian emissions laws. This is not a Suzuki only problem it's a an across the board situation. Go on to any forum and you,ll see the same complaints and the same fixes. Re flashing the ECU, installing a power commander etc. As for build quality then yes Suzuki have always been a little way behind the other three and always let the price reflect that. I'm not including European makes in this equation because whatever issues they have comes under the heading of character. This is an indefinable quality which costs more to install and is exempt from any complaints. But please don't be naive enough to think that paying more will protect you from problems, They're machines, we love them but they break. Some more than others.