Well, can't say NO but can't say YES as well.
I ride my bike every single day, just sometimes I let it rest during weekend. So, it'd be some 150 miles a week average. Cut-outs, average, would happen once a week. So it'd be one cut-out per every 150 miles, average again.
But, good news is that my engine hasn't shut down for last 3 months. At ocasions I feel it's going to stall, hearing that clonky sound coming somewhere from butterfly, I quickly "repeat" the accelerator, I mean rotate it OFF and ON quickly and engine doesn't stall.
Now, let's discount some obvious ocasions with cut-outs. Firstly, let's discount ocasions with bike rolling freely on idle, like approaching red light, when I just can't help it and have to blip the throttle. It hapens in those situations sometimes, and since I own the bike, engine did shut off completely in two of those ocasions.
Then, let's discount cold morning, 7ºC (it means cold here in south), engine completely cold, getting out of my garage, up the steep ramp and not revving the engine enough. Luckily for me, engine has never died there as that steep ramp has slow sharp turn and I'd be down instantly, but I did feel it'd go down so I just "repeat" my throttle and rev engine a bit more to save myself from going down on that damn ramp. When I remember to rev it higher on that exit, I have no problem, never.
So, if I discount those obvious situations (or, let's say, my faults), I could say I have "almost cut-out" only, in average, once a month or every 600-700 miles.
It has never hapened while filtering.