Thanks for the advice, but I don't want to take my bike back. I picked the bike I picked because in all other respects, it suits me and my requirements perfectly!! I just want it to run properly!! I don't think that is too much to ask!! Heck, I was one of the first purchasers, so I paid full wack for it (Oi! Stop that sniggering at the back....) and after all the pre-launch advertising puff about how much effort went into the bikes development, I am frankly amazed that this was EVER an issue!! Jeez, if one of their testers made 30 recommendations about the rev display alone (I might have this slightly wrong, but you get the jist) I can't believe really crappy low rev throttle control would have missed their attention.....
Here is a Dyno plot of my bike as it was tested in July, after Frasers had adjusted, then unadjusted the TPS, but BEFORE any adjustments were made to the ECU.
The upper graph shows power and torque, with revs along the bottom. The lower graph is the Air/Fuel ratio, in otherwords leanness, with the higher the graph, the leaner the mix. As you can see, this is utterly off the scale, so dreadfully lean until the engine is almost at 4000 revs.
Here is a plot of the engine AFTER the remap, with the red and brown lines showing the power and torque profiles, compared with the original ones, in blue. Quite a difference, I think you will agree. This is why both Odbod and I have commented, the remap makes a MASSIVE improvment in the smoothness and controlability of OUR bikes, compared with how they were before the remap. I have no idea if newer bikes have had their stock maps improved by Suzuki, but my bike was quite a handful throughout its rev range before the remap.
I am chuffed to bits with the bike OVERALL. I do NOT want to swap it for a different bike, I want my bike to work over its entire rev range, and this is where the problem lays. Below 2700 revs, (and yes, I know that is where V twins can struggle a bit.....) the revs are still vague, unstable, seem to bear little relationship to the throttle position, still will drop, instantly, to idle, and are difficult to pick up again so matching revs to selected gear is messy. It seems to drop to nothing when neutral is selected, for example.
Now, if this is some clever, 'helpful' device, I'd like it switched off please. I'm skilled enough, and mature enough, to decide for myself what revs I want. Call me an old fuddy duddy if you like, but I think the throttle should be in control of the revs, not have something else cutting in without my say-so. Don't patronise me, in other words... And yes, I know the ABS and Traction Control do this, but I understand how and when they work, and why.
If it is some actual fault, a sticky TPS, a weak return spring, a dirty jet, a leaky air pipe, whatever, I want it fixed.
I'll be at the Bristol BAM Super Sunday meeting tomorrow, if anyone wants to try the bike! I really would appreciate some second opinions....