Got my Veek back yesterday after its 8000 service, and a general check of all the usual suspects. plus a clean and copperslip of the earth on the back of the engine. Result? Difficult to say to be honest. It still tried to spit me off on the last roundabout before home, so am setting up a go pro to film the entire cockpit area, and see if I can record a snatchy event on film. or micro sd card.... Ill ride it for a few more days, but it is certainly still a load worse than the DL650 I had on loan over the week end. That was utterly delightful, smooth, easy control, no rev drops, smooth gear change, and it went like stink! Just physically too small for me, otherwise I'd be looking at a swap right now.
This is really really disappointing. I had hoped for a reult like Candyfloss' earth solution, but no. The Veek is so outstandingly good in all respects, this low speed nastiness really is ruining the bike for me. If it comes back again, I'll be looking for something else.