The engines create that 3 to 4k rpm vibration. The damper in the clutch basket is one component designed to keep as much of it as possible from the rest of the drive train. It gets out and is felt all over the bike when the damper gives up. Weak or failed dampers actually amplify the vibration.
viewtopic.php?f=17&t=3244 Check that other things such as tank mountings, crash bars, exhaust system parts and the like are not vibrating in sympathy with the engines natural frequencies.
We never hear of the needle roller bearing that the clutch basket runs on wearing or if after changing it there is a tangible impact on engine refinement. Suzuki introduced a revised bearing many years ago. They made one of the gaps between the rollers wider which slightly closed the gaps between the rest of the rollers. The revision caused some to think they have a roller missing but it's not. Many tried these before discovering their baskets weak damper was the cause of the harsh chudder. That roller is subjected to the full vibration of the engine as its in the primary drive between engine and clutch before the clutch basket damper does its work.
And back to changing clutch bite point and improving feel.
To avoid any misunderstanding we have never proved any link between the usual clutch basket damper vibration problems and clutch bite point or clutch feel (there are a few instances of very worn or distorted clutch baskets leading to the clutch snatching when trying to get off quickly).
My thoughts on your late bite and poor feel are that they would not to be addressed by the after market clutch kits. None I have seen include a new final plate which is a crucial part of setting the bite point and feel of the clutch. Did you replace with a complete set of Suzuki Genuine or after market? The DL1000 and SV1000 clutches are way oversize for their normal and and not needing loads of clutch slip to get them off the line as you might in a low torque four they hardly wear their clutch friction plates at all. You have to really abuse them to cause any distortion or bluing of the steels which can be the cause of poor feel and changed bite in typically heat damaged clutches.