Descolada, it looks like we're both very careful with our visibility (safety). I've added black reflective adhesive strips on my black rims and will take my helmet to paint shop after prep to paint it white (it's black now). My Glee is white. My black leather jacket now has huge white insert on the back and my winter cloth jacket (dark grey & black) now has a huge yellow reflective insert on the back. And here in southern Portugal we have 300 sunny days a year. But still... I care about being visible as much as possible.
It all started two months ago when I asked a friend of mine to go with me to Lisbon (300 km's trip each way) to help me bring the Glee I have purchased. We went to Lisbon by my car and then he rode my bike on the way back south. He was riding some 100 meters in front of me. It was sunny day. First 150 km's we've done on dual carriageway, then other 150 km's on toll-free rode (we were trying to save some money). That friend of mine was all dressed black and he only had brand new shiny helmet in white. After we got out of the dual carriageway he increased the distance between us. It was late afternoon, still sunny, but already with deep dark shadows. As he increased the distance I couldn't see him anymore, at all, there was just a little white moving dot on horizon - his helmet. That was the point where the "lightbulb" turned on in my mind.
I was always "in love" with black clothing, black bike, black gloves... I was even sad I couldn't get black Glee...
Today I'm on totaly oposite side. Safety and visibility first. I've spent last few months observing other bikers on the road and came to conclusion that only reflective yellow and clean white are realy visible. All other colors, even red ones, are just simply invisible. Well, my experience is from sunny days, we haven't seen a single cloud in last two months and probably won't be seing any for at least one more.