Milz on here is a fairly quick rider. When I ride with him I struggle to keep up and I watch him disappear into the distance fairly often even though I know I'm no slouch. He came from a vfr800and says he goes faster on the wee than the vfr.
But hes not a noob that goes fast in a straight line, and not fast for fasts sake, a safe rider that doesn't make high risk maneuvers, a rider whos confident of his abilities and dare I say it 'at one with the bike'.
I rode with a few local riders a few weeks ago from welshbikers forum. One on a brand new z1000 and one on a gsx600f who'd just passed his test. The bloke on the bandit was leading and me in the middle. Z1000 was happy sitting at the back, while I was a little bored as we sat behind every tractor and caravan on the roads that day. I could see the new rider wasn't experienced enough to be nailing the throttle and overtaking to on the roads we were on and I was in no way going to pressure him to go faster though I felt I could have overtaken him and the caravans and tractors at the safe moment.
I think when touring or just travelling around as a group you should ride within the abilities of the least experienced/confident rider and never pressure anyone out of their comfort zone.
Sure sometimes you have to try something new (I'm thinking ajako on the trail a few weeks back) and ask if everyone is OK with it. If everyone isn't OK with it then don't do it or split into groups and regroup down the road again. Many organised tours do this as a matter or course and will group fast/confident riders and slower/less confident riders separately.
The problem come when its a group of friends who tour and the leaders have a plan and the others are allong for the ride and might not want to be nailing the bike accross continents.
Riding with me mrs on the L plated 125 and going the long way to west Wales over the last few months has made me see all the scenery I have missed every time we've traveled there before on the major roads.
If its a holiday I'll be wanting to make progress but not at the expense of the comfort over the run and missing the good bits that won't be on the autobahns.
The strom is an adventure bike and the type of bike alone sells the idea of an adventure through areas undiscovered, not a high speed blast that the name ninja does.
We don't hear often on this forum about how fast we did our european tour, we always hear about what a great time was had and many many pictures of all the sights that were seen and postcards bought.
I'm happy cassing Milz on the same bike as him around the lanes rather than attemping to keep up with an fjr or gtr on the autobahns.
Oh it quite high up here on this soap box.