As I understand it's where the bottom of the cam chain tensioner seats.
got it in one
yup, I'm now looking for a welder (not that I'll find one in this sh*thole of a town)
The two bigger broken bits came from the driven(?) 4th gear dogs. These should slot in to an adjacent gear and provide drive, but one broke (and took another with it).
Here's some better photos:
Note the shiny smooth area on the left surrounding that hard nodule. That's where the failure started!
Further round the crack surface, you can see 'growth lines', indicating it wasn't a sudden failure. I count ~100 of these lines, so that's ~100 revolutions, or roughly a second @6000rpm... Also note the largish smooth (but dull) area on the far top-right. This was the final crack. You can also just about see the case hardening here.
Here's the second failed dog site. Nothing too exciting here - it's a simple sudden brittle fracture caused by being clouted by the first failed dog!
All those years studying bits of broken metal have paid off
It is a bit worrying that it was a material defect that caused this, as there may be more out there. I'm incredibly lucky that the dogs stayed stuck in the driven gear - if they had fallen out and become jammed in the gearbox, my pillion and I would be smeared down the M1 and some truck's undercarriage, and it's unlikely anyone would have known what had happened
All the other gears have no impact marks (or any other strange marks) on them, so I should be OK. I will be replacing the surrounding gears anyway, and if I can find someone with an x-ray machine I'll get the others checked too. (might be worth just replacing the whole gearbox)