I'm looking forwards to seeing if this can be done in one go as it were. Having taken Triumphs and Yamahas to Germany in January and other places where the salt is at Dead Sea levels in order to watch them turn into brown stains on the ferry deck on the way home, I hope I'm capable of keeping the Wee in semi-decent condition. My basic winter prep however needs a long weekend with dry weather, more for a new bike. Most of this is waiting. Stripping off bits like the bash plate that stop you getting in the nooks and crannies, cleaning and then waiting and waiting until it's dry, apply the anti-corrosive gunk of choice then waiting some more for that to dry and on and on. If you avoid the waiting with the right dryer etc. this has real advantages IMHO.
Then there are the electrically corroded annoyances. Having treated the Wee at the August Bank holiday I now have one of three water pump bolts with a light fur. I'm 99% sure this got blasted with ACF-50. It was rotting because I'd missed with the spray, there was residue of wet cleaner on there when the ACF-50 went on, or it's just in a bad position with regards to some electrical earth. If I was 100% sure about removing it, it would now be replaced with stainless, but as it is it got a huge blob of grease over it.
If you want to see cathodic corrosion, take a Triumph Bonneville to the Elefant rally. The main earth to engine/frame connection is near the centre stand mount, steaming with the engine running, pelted with salt and water, dank when parked up, electrically active and made out of a cheese like material that probably includes Higgs-Bosun particles at sometime in it's chemically reactive states between black and shiny and green and gooey.