How much and from where you got the horns? Was it difficult to put them on?
The horns I already had, I have seen them on ebay though @ around £10 +p&p.
Regards fitting, I had read a feed by Kevshek, he had his mounted to the bottom yoke, which would be fine - as long as you don't use the front brake - written off front mudguards are expensive to replace!
Actually it was very straight forward - once I had removed the conservatory that is bolted to the front! Mine is a Vee but I am assuming the Wee/Glee set up is the same. I just used the frame that holds the head lights and instruments in place - bent a bracket round the tube & attached the horn - as per 1st photo. Pull the connectors off the stock horn (after you find the bloody thing!)and run the wires back to a fused relay which is secured in the space behind the battery with velcro (see photo below). Forward from the relay to the poss side of the battery & again forward from the relay to the horns via a twin connector. Fit earplugs, switch on ignition, press button, watch dog take off across the fields.