Fitted some hand guards to My DL250 today. Spotted a bloke on YouTube from Alaska who was comparing a $10 and $20 set for his RE Himalayan. The $20 set were quite solid and looked like Barkbusters so got myself a pair from amazon for £20.
They were quite fiddly to fit. The bar end fittings supplied were useless, the DL250 uses 6mm bolts in the bar ends, 8mm bolts are supplied. The fittings for inside the bars were also wrong.
I made my own 6mm bolts from a length of 6mm threaded rod from Toolstation with Stainless steel dome nuts on the end and transferred the inner rubbers and washers over to the new bolts. I will keep the original 6mm bolts as spares.
It took quite a while to get the brackets to line up correctly, especially on the brake master cylinder side. I had to move the brake cylinder over slightly to get everything lined up.
Thankfully, the hand guard support bars are bendable, with a bit of effort, which helped to get the supports in line without excess strain at the bar ends.
I will attach some pics which should help anyone attempting this job to get the brackets in line.