First short ride today to check everything is still working after giving the bike a spring refurb. Replaced the 9-year old Tourances with Avon Trailriders, having had a minor spill in January when the back tyre let go on a dry road (cost of repairs - £10 for pattern footrests). In pursuit of being able to get both feet down I took the opportunity to replace the modified (jacked-up) rear subframe with a standard one; removed redundant lugs, de-rusted and sprayed black. The Shad seat previously on the bike no-longer fitted but I got a nearly new standard one from Fowlers on eBay for £30 - bargain! I can now just get both boot toes down together. I'm working on modifying the Shad seat to take the latch from the new seat, as it will be lower still.
One fork seal was leaking, the stanchions were badly pitted and on dismantling I found that one had a damaged top thread, so I replaced them with new JMP ones from Brooks Barn, using an All Balls rebuild kit. The grey sludge in the forks was replaced 7.5W oil to soften the front end a bit (the bike and I are lighter than standard). The ageing chain was replaced with DID and the sprockets with JTs. The rear wheel bearings were OK but the sprocket carrier bearing had broken up, so that was replaced too.
The rear disc was badly scored, so I replaced it and pads with EBC. To free up the brake piston I took the caliper off. Removing the slider pin took the thread from the piston with it, so I had to get a replacement caliper from a breaker. That one had a seized bleed nipple, which broke off, but they gave me a refund and a second one was OK. Trying to bleed the brake showed that the master cylinder seals had gone soft and weren't pushing fluid out, so I had to order a kit and rebuild that. With the brake reassembled and bled, the hose from the reservoir to the master cylinder started sweating brake fluid and took off a spot of paint from the newly painted subframe.

Each of these events, of course, resulted in a several days delay waiting for delivery of parts so it's taken weeks longer than anticipated.
It'll all be worth it once the tyres are scrubbed in!