Managed an hour in the garage tonight (grandkids are great but they take up valuable motorcycle maintenance time

) and opened the clutch switch. (I put a meter on the contacts before opening and on operating the switch got no reading).
It has been designed to be opened (is that telling us something

) although three hands with two thumbs on each would be a help!
After fifteen minutes looking for the spring, I was being very careful not to let it fly out, I was able to look at the switch. I could see nothing wrong, the contacts were clean, although the spring loaded contact, underneath, not the one you can see, (blue arrow) did seem a bit 'sticky' so a bit of WD40 was applied.
I put it back together, put a meter on the contacts and a full short was showing, operate the switch and open circuit, perfect! (Note, the plunger is pushed in until the clutch lever is pulled in).
I think, before I got the big hammer out

, if I had sprayed contact cleaner and WD40 into the hole (red arrow) with the clutch lever pulled in I would have sorted my problem.
The switch was connected to the wiring and the bike started fine.
I had ordered a new switch this morning which I will fit, keeping the old one as an emergency spare.
I will take the wing mirror bracket to my man tomorrow in the hope he might be able to remove the broken screw.