Yesterday I went on Ride of Honour 2018 from Squires Café to Withernsea by back roads. Good day out, albeit it was far too hot - not so bad at speed, but no good in slow traffic (the Glee temperature gauge showed an optimistic(?) 32°C at one point).
Not as many bikes there this year - I think it was the lowest number I've seen in the 8 years it's been running, maybe down to the World Cup Final or Wimbledon final?
I did see one orange Wee/Vee but didn't get chance to say hello.
Here's some pictures:
The bottom one is my brother's bike - had a quick run on it along the M62 - not too bad but I won't be trading the Glee which is far more comfortable over distance (3 fuel ups on the run out - the Glee did it all on one tank and still has fuel to spare)