Taking a loose definition of 'today'(I.e. the last week)...
1. Cleaned the bike removing (almost) all the Welsh mud I picked up doing a circumnavigation of Wales with the Welsh Knievels (raising money for MacMillan) last year.
2.Fitted an Oxford tank bag I got for half price. I also got a Givi XS 307 off someone on this forum - super quality, easy to fit/unfit and a lot easier than the Oxford come re-fueling, but the Oxford is bigger - so might be selling the Givi (or the Oxford!).
3. Fitted Ravetech radiator guard. Super quality and fitting is really straight-forward if you've got super thin fingers (which unfortunately I do not) - but that moment when the screw and nut 'bite' - what a relief.
4. Fitted Ravetech Sat Nav/phone mount above instrument panel - I managed to lose one of the wellnuts which necessitated a delay whilst I got some replacements off Amazon, but now all OK and it enabled me to....
5. Fitted Phone mount - just need to test it (might use the old phone).
6. Fitted mount for my Contour camera (ditto above re a road test).
7. Fitted handlebar cross-bar and pad - doubt they will make any real difference but they appealed to me.
So all ready for a ride across the USA this summer with a group being organised by Nathan Millward (bloke who rode a postie-bike from Sydney to UK).
and on a whim (like most of the above)I bought a pair of neoprene fork protectors. I have a pair on my Aus V-strom and they look really good and protect the forks and seals. So I was looking for some for my UK V strom and came across this pair advertised as not needing zip ties as they are kept in place by zips - which sounded ideal as my UK V-strom over here has a Cosmo fork brace meaning there is nowhere to fit zip ties. Anyway I ordered a pair and guess what - they are delivered with zip ties! So I'm currently wondering whether to accept the 'saggy tights' look or add them to the 're-sale' pile for someone without a fork brace.