Nail-biting two weeks then.... there's also a possibility that a high-sided vehicle on my left obscured the GATSO.
It's a PIA as I was just putting on a tiny spurt to get out of the shadow of the high-sided vehicle to be safe...
So I guess there's a few things in my favour:
- it's in England so ACPO 10%+2 (or 1?) may apply
- the high-sided vehicle may have screened me
- first (possible) offence in 20 years on the road, so maybe a course instead of points - points bother me, the fine I couldn't care about
- I was probably doing less than I thought....
- It's a 3 lane road so it may not have been covering my lane (though as it was the outside lane it probably was...)
On the down-side - it's a tricky turn-off that the GATOS covers so it's likely to be set low...