Fitted this afternoon.Everything was as it should be, all parts here, nothing missing.
Instructions were primarily in German with English translations that were "OK. The parts sheet could have done with some more translations just to help me identify similar looking parts a bit easier but it was reasonably self explanatory. (See example pictures, ignore spilled thread lock).
Left side bracket - no problem, all fit fairly easily.
Right side bracket was a pain in the arse (just the top bolt really), I think it's supposed to be fitted with the exhaust off and probably the right foot peg off, but of course I didn't think about that prior to starting.
I took the bolts out of the right footpeg and managed to finally get the washers lined up etc, I got a 6mm hexbit into the bolt that I could then reach with a long extension and managed to tighten it but because the bit was at an angle, it slipped a bit and damaged the outside of the bolt a little. Bolt is still fully functional and was more than tight enough before it slipped. I still had plenty of purchase on the bolt with an Allen key I could get in there and could loosen and tighten the bolt without issue.I don't ever plan on taking it off wouldn't be an issue even if it was stripped (see photo)
Dual spring was as usual a pain in the arse without the right tool, but a bit of paracord and some grunting and it went on in no time.
Bike up on the stand: It goes up easy enough, no issues.
Back wheel clears the floor well - even on my uneven garage floor.
I got this primarily for maintenance and so it takes up a bit less room in the garage, so it will serve those purposes very well.
It doesn't feel as "sturdy" up there as my benelli but that has a very large and wide stand and this one is quite petite.
If the front wheel is pointing forwards it only takes a light push forward to come off the stand which I suppose is both a good thing and a bad thing. With the front wheel on steering lock it would take a good shove.
I don't know how I'd feel about leaving it out in a storm on the stand...but it's garaged at home and undercover at work so won't have to ever find out hopefully.
Overall - compared to the other options out there it was significantly cheaper and will allow me to do basic chain maintenance so I'm happy.