Hi All,
Pretty sure it's my naivety with big V twins after decades on in-line fours but....

How lumpy at tick over should the DL1000 sound.?
It's a 2019 with about 800 miles now but starting to sound a bit noisy almost like it needs the injectors balanced (sounds little like a poorly balanced in line 4).. It may be my imagination but seems to be louder than when new so may just be loosening after getting a few miles under it's belt.
Pulling clutch in makes no difference apart from not hearing clutch type stuff

as you would expect.
All smooths out above 2000 RPM and is running fine otherwise. I'll keep riding as its not enough to make me really concerned and it's under warranty anyway..
Any thoughts.. happy to have the p**s taken for being dim if they are just like that.....