The biggest cause of oil contamination is from
1- abrasives - Common abrasives, in the form of dust and dirt, can enter the lubrication system through leaks in the air intake system, seals, ventilation system or from a contaminated supply of new oil. As they circulate within the oil, they cause wear to metal components, which can produce additional wear particles that may cause even greater damage.
2 - Water is the second most common contaminant damaging to engine oil. Bad seals, system vents, condensation or a contaminated new oil supply are typically responsible for water ingression.
3 & 4 - contamination by coolant or fuel, which will dilute viscosity.
If you are detecting any of these, lubricating your chain will be the least of your worries..
Furthermore, personally been using old engine oil to lubricate my chain ever since I started riding (1970's), and other than the off road bikes all my road bikes (mostly high powered sports bikes) have managed more than 20k miles on their chains with no issues.