Author Topic: Handle bar vibration - Help  (Read 3813 times)

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Re: Handle bar vibration - Help
« Reply #20 on: September 12, 2018, 18:59:41 »
Lots of bikes do this. Some badly and some much less so and some don't do it at all. I recall some years ago some research was done to try and find out the cause and many of the suggestions already suggested here were investigated but the only thing that was found to have any real influence was the front/rear weight distribution and where it was attached. The less weight on the front end made the whole thing more likely to occur and the more rear weight and the further back it was put, the worse it got. Obviously any issues with stuff like tyres, head and wheel bearings, wheel alignment are only likely to make matters worse. It generally now thought to be a rather complex function of frame geometry and centre of gravity. If I take my hands off the bars on my Vee at about 25mph it will oscillate very slightly but stops the instant it put a hand on either grip. A friend has a big Yamaha and that wiggles quite unpleasantly even with both hands on the bars. Removal of one's hands and it would go into a real tank slapper! Everything has been checked and replaced as needed and nothing has made it any better. It's just the way some bikes are.

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Re: Handle bar vibration - Help
« Reply #21 on: September 13, 2018, 00:09:27 »
Or 'Don't worry - they (mostly) all do that, sir'  lol

Er, sorry hookie , couldn't resist :dance:
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Re: Handle bar vibration - Help
« Reply #22 on: September 13, 2018, 07:58:13 »
My bike yesterday went to the dealer for maintenance.
I asked them to check it out, the first thing he says was if I already tried without the top box, has suggested here.
I said, no because I have it for so long and never happened this. The dealer says that sometimes it takes a while to happen, as the tyre rubber is burning.
After I while they call me back and said that my front tyre is in V shape. It's wasted on the sides, but OK in the middle that this could be the answer for the vibration. Not sure if this could be the why, I already had sports bike and the sides got wasted and the middle OK but the steering never vibrate.
But it's a valid point of view, I never had this kind of bike, and this kind of Tyres, so not sure what to expect. I will try ridding without the top case first, if it continues soon has I can I will try with new Tyres.

Offline hookie

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Re: Handle bar vibration - Help
« Reply #23 on: September 13, 2018, 11:48:12 »
Or 'Don't worry - they (mostly) all do that, sir'  lol

Er, sorry hookie , couldn't resist :dance:

Or "It's a feature, not a fault sir". As a mate who has a Ducati with it's air cooled clutch that you can hear rattling 100 yards away says to me ...