Not sure they work. Its on TV where I can also see Arnold Schwartzeneger machine gun people, Anne Boleyn get her head chopped off but come back as a lawyer next week, people using electric irons to settle arguments over the remote control etc. Feels like fiction.
They have short bans in Germany. Run a red light in Hannover you get sent on a course, then a fine, then a week going to work on the bus, then a month, then permanantly then prison. The bloke late for work because the bus is late gets the attention of his fellow workers better than an advert you might think is for cheese and bisuits ( with extra salt and sugar ) in a tiny plastic tub if you missed the last 20 seconds.
What is maybe more important is real police. The Germans have police who track number plates of those banned. Your wife better carry her papers if you are on the naughty step . West Yorkshire plod is there to hold up speed guns and fight Asian lads who are daft enough to go for a night out in the city centre. They serve no purpose against the texters, drunks, blind drivers, insane drivers etc.