Rod Stewart, Tom Jones and Elton John are walking down the road reminiscing about the good old days. Rod says to Tom “Are you still getting loads of knickers thrown at you? Tom replies “Nah, too old now, that’s all gone. Are you still getting loads of fit models throwing themselves at you”? Rod replies “Nah that’s all gone too”. Just then they see Kylie Minogue walking towards them who suddenly trips over, gets her head stuck in some railings with her arse pointing upwards. Rod says to Tom “Do you fancy some of that Tom” Tom replies “Phwoar not arf” Both Rod and Tom then have their wicked way with Kylie. Rod then turns to Elton “ Do you not fancy some of this Elton?” Elton replies “I’d love to lads but I don’t think my head would fit in the railings”