Zero trip 1 when you fill up. When the fuel pump icon starts flashing you've got 4.5l, or roughly a gallon. Your trip 1 average mpg figure is the number of miles you have left in the tank. When the last bar goes, you've got half of the mpg figure. (Although you actually have a tiny bit more than that).
When motorway commuting traffic keeps my speed down to 50-70 I'm getting 72mpg, or a theoretical 316 miles to the tank. As the return journey is somewhat brisker, my tank range is 'only' 280ish. Temperature makes a big difference. In the winter I only get 60mpg/263miles.
Will the fuel pump really fry itself if I often run the fuel down to very low?
How much does it stick out of the fuel level within the tank?
Is the fuel pump a weak area to watch out for?
Should I always fill up as soon as the pump symbol starts to flash?
Had my Glee for over a year now and still really pleased with it's capabilities.