If you follow the wires coming out of the alternator cover it will come to a 3 pin plug.
With a voltmeter set to 250v AC take a reading from any 2 of the 3 wires and you should get at least 25v AC (at tickover) - moving one probe to the other wire should give the same reading , check all 3 wires.
With the rpm at 5000ish check the wires again and you should get 60-80v AC.
If anyone knows the correct figures please update this thread.
These are the figures ElectrexWorld said I should be getting on a Honda Varadero 125, so it should be a good basis for bigger bike.
If you get 2 results that are the same and the third is lower then that phase is the one that is the problem.
The varadero 125 had 0.3v AC on one wire even when probe changed to the other wire, 0.5v AC on one wire even when probe changed to the other wire, and 1.3v AC on one wire even when probe changed to the other wire.
So in this case all 3 phases were duff.
I got the stator re-wound and now at tickover I am getting more than 22v AC out of each of the 3 wires.
At the battery (voltmeter on to 20vDC) I'm now getting 13.6v DC which is putting a charge into the battery at tickover, before this the engine had to being doing more than 2000 rpm to start to give a charge.
Look here
http://www.v-strom.co.uk/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=91&t=25803 for a complete problem/troubleshooter (removed from earlier post)