Clamp off the hose as it comes out of the cylinder and pull the lever. If the lever still comes back to the bars the air is in the cylinder, if it doesn't the air is in the calipers.
It is air in the system, open the bleed nipple (one side at a time) after each "pumping" (5-10 pumps) this should clear the calipers. Close the nipple before releasing the lever. If that doesn't work try a syringe on the bleed nipple to "pull" the fluid through.
Did you let the master cylinder run dry? If so repeat the 5-10 pumps and slacken the brake pipe fitting on the cylinder. Tighten the fitting before releasing the lever. Have plenty of water on hand if you spill any fluid onto paintwork, if you do spill any, pour the water on to the fluid, don't be tempted to wipe it.
Finally tie the lever back to the twist grip and leave for a couple of hours, this should clear any remaining air in the cylinder.
Sorry if I've gone on a little and please apologise to your mate if I'm teaching him how to suck eggs.