Author Topic: Clutch side of engine very hot  (Read 779 times)

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Offline Strommerboy

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Clutch side of engine very hot
« on: April 12, 2019, 16:11:45 »
Returning from a steady 40 mile ride today I waited,as usual, for a quarter of an hour or so before putting the cover over the bike. It was then I noticed that the clutch side of my engine was still hot to the touch, whilst the other side of the engine was much cooler, as was the exhaust. During the ride the bike ran well. However, recently I had a small adjustment made to the clutch lever travel and wondered if this might have contributed to the clutch heat.

Offline Joe Rocket

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Re: Clutch side of engine very hot
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2019, 17:29:54 »
Probably nothing you've had done. The clutch side runs with a lot of oil, the stator side very little. Oil takes a much longer time to cold than metal so the exhaust cools quickly and probably the Left Hand side of the engine too.

I would guess the cylinders remain hotter for longer as they to have 'hot' coolant liquid inside too.  :)
So how's it going so far then?