Define England’s roads from biker perspective
This version: 2016 08 31 Embargo: Immediate
The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG), the UK’s leading voice for riders’
rights, is calling on riders to complete a survey by Highways England
about the future of the road network in the nation.
North West Regional Rep, Tony Cox, says ‘when you have five minutes
please get onto the link and make your views known to Highways England.
MAG has really got itself in gear with responding to these important
consultations. We hope riders will encourage as many friends as
possible to respond. It is in our best interests to engage with Highways
England as ultimately they want to increase the number of motorcycles on
the SRN (Strategic Road Network) and are asking our advice on how they
can do this.’
Katherine Wilson-Ellis from the Authority underlines the importance of
bikers’ input: ‘we are proceeding with the Highways England customer
panel that will share a number of questions that are motorcycle related.
Road Safety Analysis (RSA) has kindly produced an online survey that
is purely aimed at motorcyclists that will be used in addition to the
customer panel. We would like this to be completed by as many
motorcyclists as possible to help us understand motorcyclist journeys on
the Strategic Road Network and to provide us with a baseline that can be
used to measure the success or all the great actions we are going to
start delivering. This is motorcyclists’ opportunity to tell us what
the issues are.’
You’ll find the survey at:
<> consultation closes on 9th September 2016, and is a golden
opportunity to help Highways England increase the usage of bikers in the
years ahead.