from another road users point of view, who will not be bulb staring but looking at said vehicle, the flash on the upgraded indicator will register more strongly than original and that is the only point of it.
Yes, that is the point I was making. Other road users will mostly be looking at your bike from directly in front or directly behind you. The small refraction lenses in the indicator lens do a pretty good job off throwing most of the light outward in that direction.
Putting reflective tape around the housing doesn't seem to help because of the small size & shape of said housing. There is no room to form a meaningful parabola so all the reflective tape does is increase the off-axis scatter.
I'm not saying it doesn't improve it, there will be occasions where they will appear slightly brighter to other road users, on roundabouts for example. I just decided the upgrade wasn't worth it it as it detracted from the bike aesthetically.
Maybe reflective tape in conjunction with the 'clear lens & orange bulb' upgrade would be best for me.