Here's a general list I've put together, in miles and frequencies. It's a bit more than others do and certainly not required.
80k Fuel injector replacement
80k Brake Lines
40k spark plugs (not Bosch!) CR8EIA-9 or CR8EIX
40k front and rear wheel bearings
40k Battery YTX12-BS Yuasa
40k Starter Motor bushings
40k shock oil
40k head bearings
20k chain, sprockets, cush rubber, bearing, oem is quietest
20k Brake pads EBC HH
20k Inspect Stator for burned coils
20k Grease clutch & brake lever pivots, cable ends, gear shifter, rear brake lever, side stand pivot
15k Valve Adjustment hcshim04
15k antiseize on spark plugs
15k Radiator Fluid
15k Air Cleaner + ss scower pad
15k repair chafed wire loom under tank
15k dielectric grease electrical connectors
15k fuel pump mod and Fuel filter wix 33095
15k Brake fluid
15k Brake disk bobbins, spin & brake cleaner
15k Check throttle return nut
15k Clean and lube throttle cable linkage under tank
8k Battery load testing
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