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dog 2
« on: December 07, 2015, 19:47:28 »
The landlord of the local pub had a dog, one night he went into the bar and caught the dog having a shit on the carpet, he beat the dog badly, and to teach it a lesson, cut its tail off and hung it above the bar.
Unfortunately, infection set in and the dog died.
The dog went to doggy heaven, and at the gate was stopped, and asked where his tail was, the dog explained what had happened, and was told he could not enter heaven without his tail, and he should go back to earth and get it.
The dog went back, arrived about midnight, and started hammering on the rear door of the pub, the landlord opened the door and said "why are you here, you are dead" the dog explained that he needed his tail back to get into doggy heaven, the landlord thought about this and then replied....
"I am not about to retail sprites at this time of night"

  I am on a roll tonight !!!!!!!!