Yesterday, to help a mate, I said I would be 'tail-end-charlie' to a group of 20+ bikes, blokes & girls he knows from a forum he's on. During the run I was looking at all the different bikes and thinking.. nope, wouldn't have one of those.. and nope, had one of those and wouldn't have another. There was some real trick machinery there too but one by one I ruled them all out... I couldn't find any other bike I'd rather have than my Glee.
Then I got speaking to some of them at the smoke/coffee/lunch breaks (most of whom had come up from England for the weekend for a blat round the Highlands). The conversations had 2 main theme's.... great roads you have up here mate and when will we stop for petrol ?? That got me thinking about my bike, I had filled it up at 7am and when I got back home last night at 7.30pm I had covered 271 miles and hadn't needed to refuel at all. No other bike managed that (I don't think anyway).
When I was sat eating my (reheated) dinner I thought of the 8 different bikes I've had over the last 11 years, all more powerful than my V-Strom but I don't miss any of them. I actually love this bike.... I have no idea why... I love how I was able to hustle & flick it through the twisty Duke's Pass ... dukes-pass when some of the bigger Pan Euro's, RT's were bolt upright. Thinking back when I had my FJR I'd have been as cautious as those blokes too..... It was a lardy-arsed thing.
I've no doubt I'll sell my Glee one day, but as it stands... it'll be for another exactly the same.
(a very happy owner)