I tought just to add my experience with buffeting and wind noise on my Glee and MRA Vario screen. When I got my Glee, 2nd hand, it already came with that screen and without OEM screen. I'm just guessing it's MRA Vario. It says on the bottom of the screen: MRA type WVM KBA90512. It has a little spoiler on it.
From the day one I picked almost no buffeting but a lot of wind noise. When I say a lot, I mean it's huge. Now I use earplugs that are so thick that I don't hear the engine at all but still hear some wind noise. The screen was mounted on the highest position and no spoiler adjusting would change anything.
I'm 6.2
Then I removed the spoiler and hinges completely. No change at all. Then put back the spoiler. Today, riding to my work, I rised my head, looking for the quit position and found one with complete silence (I mean, normal wind flow almos impossible to hear in my helmet). The problem is, it was a lot higher then normal riding position. Then, at work, I lowered the screen to it's lowest position but had no T8 to remove the spoiler. On my ride home, the noise was still the same but the silent spot was just at like 15cm head rised above normal riding position. Again, playing with spoiler position made no difference. At home, I removed the spoiler completely and replaced top spacers with 4 washers so the screen is now tilted a bit more towards me.
That's it so far, tomorrow's ride will show if it's any better.
I just have nothing else I could do to lower it more and I'm afraid I'd be still needing a bit more of lowering. Also, lowering it more would ruin completely the look of the front of the bike.
If that doesn't work, I'm thinking of puting it back high again and making (or buying) big spoiler and go from there. The problem is, when I was looking for the quit spot I tried lowering my head as much as possible but the noise was the same.
I'm running out of ideas but I'll still wait for tomorrow and see.
Basically, what I need is clean air flow, as like I didn't have the screen. That's what I'm looking for but riding without screen is out of question for the sake of the look of the bike as well as cutting it down, as I don't have any spare screen.