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Humour / Re: Four Word Story
« Last post by 2112 on Today at 22:42:18 »
loudly as it climbed
Another ride to Liverpool for work. Nice to have some half decent weather for a change and to come home in daylight (last ride there was mid-January).
Noticed today that my £30 'Dr Bike' heated grip has finally worn through on the throttle side, and there's now an exposed wire. Not bad given I added them shortly after getting the bike in 2012, and they've done c. 67,000 miles.  Sadly J&S Accessories don't sell them anymore so will probably end up buying some Oxford ones next.
V-Strom specific discussion / Re: Pillion foot pegs
« Last post by Untertabe on Today at 22:28:49 »
Hello man, no idea if I'm going to get a response. But any idea which footpeg rubbers you used, diameter wise etc. The ebay links have all been deleted over time, if you have any idea id lpve to know because I'm having the same problem thanks!
Humour / Re: Four Word Story
« Last post by Jim13_Wee_Strom on Today at 22:21:54 »
Vulcan bomber that howled
Introductions / Re: New Member - Spalding
« Last post by Jim13_Wee_Strom on Today at 22:17:19 »
 :welcani: ... V-Strom in general are bullet proof, 650 lighter and frugal on fuel compared to other models, and like always... you pays your money and makes your choice
Introductions / New Member - Spalding
« Last post by Lee Enfield on Today at 21:54:02 »
Just wanted to say Hi, just about to retire and thinking of returning to biking. My last steed was a special edition Triumph Daytona which I sold some 20yrs ago maybe. I don't want a big heavy speed job, which is why I fancy a V Strom 650.
Hopefully reliable, nothing fancy, and not too expensive to run. Don't intend on a new one but a low mileage 2009 model perhaps.
Any guidance appreciated
The Blue Oyster bar / MotoGP Highlights On TV
« Last post by The Doctor 46 on Today at 21:30:13 »
MotGP highlights on Quest tonight 31 March 10pm.  :thumb:
Traitors Corner / Re: What have you done with your bike today?
« Last post by 2112 on Today at 21:05:10 »
Now that looks like a whole heap of fun - enjoy  :lala:
Traitors Corner / Re: What have you done with your bike today?
« Last post by Steve T on Today at 20:45:15 »
Slight change of metal in the garage last week . . . out goes the little black pony that was the NC750X & in comes this little blighter . . .

Now to find some local dirt  :auto-dirtbike:
The Blue Oyster bar / Re: What have you done today
« Last post by Rusty Nuts on Today at 19:27:22 »
Don't forget to charge the Cardo after all the testing. And make sure you've a way to charge it when you're ‘there’, wherever there turns out to be.
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