Trouble with 250's for commuting is that, although lightweight, they can lack power when you need to get out of trouble or face a headwind uphill. 650 minimum for me. But it' s all a question of how you ride - as long as I can pull away faster than boy racers, I feel l'm in control. The city is a challenging place - bikers need all the tools at their disposal...protective gear, hi-viz and adequate cc. When I rode a 1250 for commuting, I found the extra power was largely wasted. The Glee remains the perfect commuter for me; tall, agile and correct power to weight ratio. I think 250's are learning tools...when you have become a mature biker, their value is limited. However I know a chap in his 70's who finds the Inazuma better for him to push now his joints are past their best. Choosing the right bike is dependent on different factors.